Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
That depends exclusively on you. There's no specific reason for Satoshi not to have Shikai yet other than any you could come up with.
Luckily, the kids can't tell the difference to begin with.

The children's gasps of surprise and admiration make it all worth it to Satoshi. To have one of their own make it into the esteemed ranks of the Shinigami is reason for great pride among them.

"I can't believe you can kill monsters with that thing. You're amazing, Satoshi-nii!"

"Come on, kids, leave him alone a bit. He must be anxious to see his family!

Hey buddy, you've sure grown since the last time I saw you."
One of the farmers, a thirty-something man named Tsuna, comes to greet the Shinigami rookie. "Pretty sure your mom is going to yell at you for being skin and bones, though."
((Asauchi it is, then. Given everything that's been holding him back, it'd make sense that the spirit of his zanpakuto doesn't owe him any favors yet, let alone its own power and form.))

The drawing of the simple sword is a meager offering to the small throng of juveniles crowding around for a view, but they seem mesmerized by it. Satoshi thinks to himself, (It's not even a unique zanpakuto, just an Asauchi...Is this really so amazing...?) Before his vexation can show, another acquaintance of his shows up to welcome him back. "Good to see you doing well, Tsuna-kun," he says. At the comment about his build, he looks down at himself and asks, "It's not that bad, is it...? I mean, I've never been a big eater, but it's not like I've been starving myself either..."