(the numbers have been off for a while)

569. "Your Mother" is not an appropriate name for a character.
570. ...neither is anything Bart Simpson has used for a prank phone call.
571. My male wizard is not allowed to use polymorph to experience giving birth.
572. Having more tentacles does not make a creature a superior PC-race
573. Gold dragons are not "walking urinals"
574. The material component for dominate person is not "leather, whips, and chains."
575. Munchkin cards are not to be used the influence the DM
576. ...nor are they appropriate sources of inspiration for magic item creation
577. Taunting lycanthropes into attacking for the sole purpose of being infected is not allowed.
578. Other PCs are not to be referred to as "my familiar"
579. ...especially when your character is a druid.
580. Wielding a scimitar enchanted with the speed quality no longer means you automatically win Initiative.
581. There are no gully dwarves in Eberron.
582. An arachno-penguin is not a real monster, nor is it a CR 18 encounter.
583. Chicken McNuggets should not cause an "evilgasm"
584. Pixie characters are not allowed to be named after archfiends, especially Orcus the demon prince of the undead.
585. "Out of" is not an appropriate alignment.
586. "Bensvelk zara" is not Draconic for "nice ass," no matter what the Draconomicon says
587. Taking ranks in Craft (multiverse) is not allowed to speed the character's advancement to godhood
588. Despite The Fifth Element, character race cannot be listed as "Meat Popsickle"
589. The other PCs are not "annoying filler"