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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: World of Warcraft XVI: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Orcy Worcey...Stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by mistformsquirrl View Post
    Woohoo! I finally have Quel'delar!


    I ended up making so much money from selling the stuff from my multitudinous runs through Pit of Saron that I ended up just buying the darn hilt, heh. Worth it though. Only negative is that it doesn't look good with my Rune of Swordshattering, so I switched to Fallen Crusader for now. We'll see if I need to switch back or not later on.
    Oh you are a death knight! *Gives a Death Knight High five*

    Edit @Kish Ehhhhhh, it would be really hard to pull off unless Anduin died, if that happened I could see Wyrnn go Cray Cray, My main complaint about Garrosh is that they abandoned the honor part of him starting with Theramore.

    A True Orc Warrior would not want to gather his opponents and bomb them. A True Orc Warrior would want to gather his opponents...and try and smash them with an axe.
    Last edited by ryuplaneswalker; 2014-02-08 at 03:54 PM.