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Thread: The CHALLENGE continues!

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    Halfling in the Playground
    redfeatherraven's Avatar

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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The CHALLENGE continues!

    The writing only seemed to flow this week too little too late, so the question is...if I sneak it in before Mouse gets here, does it still count?

    Eh, if not, I won't be heartbroken. Progress is progress.

    First, a bit of a side-project. Set up a twitter from the eponymous Infinite Notebook, hoping that small snippets of information might be simpler to come up with in a timely fashion. So far, it hasn't been. Time will tell. Volume won't though - got a whopping 131 words out of the deal, all on the 8th.

    I also did the picture used for its account, though whether or not it classifies as a worthy piece is debatable, as it's a photomanip assembled from several different stock pictures. I'll leave its construction below.


    Component images:

    Completed composite:

    Last but not least is a short story set in the world, centering on Winston and a probably incidental character and taking place just prior to the game's main events. It's still in progress - as soon as I'm finished writing this up, in fact, I'll be returning to it, and I'll get the completed piece here for your perusal once it's complete. But for now, it's reached 1657 words.
    Last edited by redfeatherraven; 2014-02-10 at 02:34 PM.