Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
But its totally unfair! Druids are tanks, melee dps, healers and ranged dps! Thats so unbalanced that they HAVE to be nerfed so they suck at all 4. You dont see MAGES tanking healing or doing melee dps. You dont see priests doing melee dps or tanking, why should druids be able to do it all?
...did... did you use the WAYBAC machine and pull this off the vanilla forums? Oh wow.

At least, I think thats the outlook from pretbc on druids iirc.
Pre-Black Temple was where that mindset lasted until. BT onwards it started to loosen up. By Sunwell, the only role that was still a bit of a lame duck was Balance (moonkin, lazerbudgie, critchikken, boomkin, OOMkin). Druid tanking was quite common by that point, Druids were competative healers, Cat druids were decent but challenging to play.