"Into this blade I have forged the slow-burning anger that was kindled on that day you dared to forget. My armor is made of the tears shed by my countrymen when you passed their way. My shield is built from the bones of the mountains you shattered because you did not own them. You will not leave this place."

-Taken from the play The Fall of Dalmien Hall. This is the defiant war cry of the Underking Dalmei Nolgasmir to the conquerers who come to take his homeland from him. He is victorious in his stand, even though it is his final stand. This play was based on true history, though the real names of the king and his stead are unrecorded.

"When Light shines, it permits Shadow. When Shadow comes, it devours Light. The followers of "Light" decimate us with war, smothering their hated "Shadow People". Are the followers of "Light" Shadows, then, and the followers of "Shadow" Lights? Abandon your views of Light and Shadow - see instead that this "divine" war is folly. I implore you, Lord of the Blades and King of the Shields, spare the blood of our people, for the time will come when it will be your only shield against the tides of war and conquest..."