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Thread: Mu stupid world idea(PF)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Mu stupid world idea(PF)

    Here the main groups and smaller groups:

    Oldest Recorded Lifeforms
    Living Mist - They are a mysterious group that always leaves in split seconds only mist is left behind for vision to see temporarily. The only clue left behind is strange foot prints that never been identified in millions of years of history of any alien or humanoid alike. Theory are they made basic technology they find in the ruins that are left behind from the slave army that destroyed the giants in ancient times that where destroying everything in their path. only one human has ever meet due to the secrets then vanished out of thin air only a skeleton left and minor pieces of metal with strange metallic liquid on it.

    Ancient Reptiles Giants - Basicly dinosaurs with stats of 12 int if lower then 12. Think of the humanoid old dino show accept to make it easy they keep the stats for ability scores and gain flexible for ability score then + 2/+ 2 two any score. The same vision, same height/weight, speed base standard or if speedy creature base speed 40, reptile I will change it later.

    Evolved Changelings -

    Standard Race -

    During times of change some race's got so greedy they started to eradicate every race before them it started with Elves, Dwarves ,Gnomes, Orcs they where called Acceptance for they first started to work the Human Alliance which was made up of half's due to human putting all the others into slavery after the giants left leaving after the slaves they used to make their kingdom and technology. The Human Alliance is made up of humans, halflings, half-orcs, half-elves that where brain washed into fighting for them from birth.

    It go on to see how humans are typically evil later on etc.
    Last edited by DemonZoZo; 2014-02-15 at 11:46 AM.
    My favorite pass time is watching documentary about stuff because they give interesting perspectives.