So, I finally got a character that I'm enjoying playing, and I've only died once so far (no, the five invaders that killed me don't count. If they can one-shot me through my shield while I'm only able to do 12 damage to them on a hit, there's no way I'm going to count that as a death).

That one death was to the massive mace wielding black knight in the chapel, though. Tips? Build is Warrior, armored in chain torso, head, legging, and hardened leather gauntlets (yes, the boar helm is statistically better. It also looks stupid). Shield is a Hollow Soldier shield. Have a longsword that I use primary, with a looted spear that I use when I need to fight in a corridor (I've gotten severely maimed by enemies when the sword catches on the wall -_-).

I have the repair box, so everything is (nearly) in tiptop shape.