Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
If that's a thing, and people are actually happy it exists, then there should also be Gold Star Heterosexuals, Gold Star Asexuals, etc...
... until you reach the point of Gold Star Pansexuals. And Jack Harkness therefore becomes the only Gold Star Pansexual, for there is nothing and no one that he wouldn't want to have sex with as long as they gave consent. At which points he becomes the de facto king of sexual orientations, and declares Gold Stars [Orientation] is just a silly thing. Because if sexual orientation is a contest, then he wins forever, and if it's not, why try to make it one?
But mostly, I wouldn't be unhappy in a world where Jack Harkness rules over something.
No, I was not trying to make a clever point this time. I just wanted to imagine Jack Harkness as king of something and share the image.
XD This reminds me of the fandom discussion. "I'm a better fan than you bluh bluh"