Balyana: Love the relationship description between Mycosa & Isodril.

Vronto loathes his brother Skorghus and after Ellisprex's birth and the divorce that followed, Vronto knew the best way to harass Skorghus. He was going to make Malladar his and to rub it in, Vronto would woo her, not take her. From their romantic dalliances, Gavrem was born. Of course, not long after Malladar and Vronto split ways when Vronto returned to his brutish nature.

Name: Gavrem, the Impossible Thief

Appearance: Gavrem is a slender, but attractive male with coarse brown hair creating a short mo-hawk and cloven hooves for feet. He wears a black cloak across his narrow shoulders.

Domain: Thievery

Personality: Gavrem was raised by his father and feels that if something can be acquired it is yours, however, he did not inherit his father's strength. So, Gavrem was forced to sneak around and cajole others to earn his keep.

Relationship with Mortals: Obviously, all manner of bandit, cutpurse, pirate, flim-flam artist, and the like offer prayers to Gavrem. Indeed, the act of stealing is regarded as a minor prayer to Gavrem. There are no temples to Gavrem - any time mortal law finds about a worship place the congregation is arrested and punished.
However, most mortals offer prayers and make donations to his (heavily watched) priesthood in order to stave off thefts and have lost possessions find their way back to them. Most of his priests do not steal, but rather profit from thieves when they are paid to retrieve stolen goods. Gavrem finds this situation doubly informative - the law-abiding citizens must pay ransom to secure their goods and the thieves are forced to become better to keep their ill-gotten goods.

Relationships with Gods: Most gods distrust Gavrem - as they believe that Gavrem is plotting to steal the Wellspring of Divinity. But Gavrem is so charming that they often fall victim to his shenanigans. They forgive him, though, for Gavrem has proven quite useful as a spy against other gods. However, King Ausreks III & Thasara particularly loathe him - paying Skorghus to keep an eye for Gavrem's approach to either of their territory.
Gavrem has become Lybretta's lover as many of her charges also worship him.

Parents: Vronto & Malladar

Sanctum: Gavrem has no sanctum to call his own, always keeping one step ahead of his pursuers.