
Whether or not he, completely accidentally, turned an angry mob into a somewhat mirthful audience and deprived the player Olog of one of the cards in his hand was lost on him. From his perspective, he was an idiot, plain and simple. What did surprise him was what Usabhar was doing. Or rather, what he was not doing. Sure, every step seemed excruciating, but he never lost sight of the fact. You're just going to let him go? He whispers for a moment just before Olog collapses into the snow, much to Zurkar's surprise. There was no twang of an arrow, no thhpt of a crossbow or even the dull splurtch of a thrown dagger or even the various sounds or special effects a spell would make upon discharge. He just...fell.

Fungusface...? He says before flying over, a look of genuine concern about him as he checks for vitals. Or rather, attempts to check for vitals. Zurkar has zero medical training and what little he has picked up relates to dragons, so really he's just guessing. Regardless, he knows dwarves have pulses and breathe so he looks for ways to find that.

Heal check

Indigo Citadel

Lord Wero turns and sees the safe appear in midair, and notices the messenger back up to avoid it last-minute. He wasn't in the mood for the High Lord's characteristic ambivalence and he compliments the messenger on his quick reactions. Nice dodge. Looking over the visual metaphor, his brain knows to look for words to describe what he sees. Castle. Fortress. Keep. Citadel. Vault. Storage. Safe. The only two words that make sense in context when put together however...

Lord Wero nods to Thorezor in understanding. It will be done. Do you require anything else?