Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
Meaning your prelims are coming up? Trust me, you don't want to finish that book right after your prelims. Not from how you've described it.

The evening that I finished my prelims, I went out to dinner with my two best friends in grad school. I was thoroughly dane bread, but it was still a fantastic evening.
After years of taking tests, I've learned to accept that I almost always feel horrible afterwords. Sometimes the best thing to do is let out the clutch and be unreservedly wretched and miserable for a while. Perfect time for a truly agonizing book.

Urf, ya.

As it happens, Season Three of Game of Thrones came out earlier this week, and I just finished it late last night. It left me with a sick, ugly feeling, that crept back into my consciousness as soon as I woke this morning. It stayed with me for much of the day. I was actually relieved not to have to watch anymore tonight.

I haven't read any of the novels, only seen the three seasons from HBO, and at this point I don't really feel like spending a minute on Season Four. I'm sick of caring too much about characters and watching them die in explicitly gruesome ways. It's too much cheap manipulation; there really doesn't seem to be much else to it. If that's all Martin has to say, I'll pass.
I'm about halfway through Season 3, and having read the books I know what's coming. Can't say I'm looking forwards to it, but that's really rather the point.

Yeah, there's this, too. Entertainment should actually, you know, be enjoyable.
I donno, I find too much of the straight up enjoyable stuff tends to dull my emotions. Occasionally something genuinely unpleasant that leaves me feeling like crap is good for me. Makes me more empathetic. Often its the feelgood stuff that I think brings out worse parts of myself.