Hey all, finally played through an entire first game. There were several things that came up that didn't have a clear answer to us and a quick search online didn't provide answers.

First, there is a loot that says when discarded all weapon schticks are boosted for the turn. But doesn't say how much the boost is. Is there a default boost of +1 or +2 in the game?

Second, When fighting Xykon and you defeat him, the rules say that the game immediately freezes and you start the steps for the collapsing dungeon. What happens to the rest of the monsters in the Battle Stack with him? Since the game freezes and the first step is that all monsters run away, does that mean after you defeat Xykon the rest of the monsters in the stack run away and you don't have to fight them? Also, does the players turn resume as normal allowing him to pick up loot for defeating the last monster in the room (since the others fled)? And, does the player that defeats Xykon remove a dungeon room too, or does the next player remove the first room?

Third, just trying to clarify, you can equip any loot that you Drool over, right? Not just useable items? So like the Impressive Scar can be equipped even though it doesn't do anything?

Fourth, can Area of Effects be used for defense? Specifically, Durkon's Thor's Might schtick (from the Shortening deck). Lets his Thor's Hammer become and AoE, since you can use the hammer for attack and defense, if I defend against the top monster can I apply my roll to the next two monsters too?