Leanora Justilarc

As she learned of Xander Thrune's speed when she went to the Civic Hall meeting, she had to admit being impressed. While she had known Xander Thrune would seek to rise to power here, and he had the backing of his family behind him, he had been fast en managed to create a buzz and arrange for other matters than her efficient management of goods.

Looking over the Hall, she looked at the expense he had taken, but her attention also went out to those we had gathered here. When she saw Xander Thrune again, Leanora heartily congratulated him with his plans and complimented him on his swift action.

She herself was not that swift, but more careful. During the meeting, she showed her social skill, holding pleasant conversations, mingling amongst the notables and both trying to leave a good first impression as well as asses those present. At the same time, she tried to learn a few scraps of knowledge of the surrounding provinces, or who would know more of them. In particular, her interest seemed to be going out to the Big Woods. But of even greater interest to her was to learn who were the builders of the colony and how active they were.

During the meeting she also made sure to offer a friendly greeting to those who she had met earlier, from the person overseeing the local warehouse, to the local priest and one of the dock managers. During her talks with those present, she was friendly, social, graceful and polite. She did have a drink or two, but drank slowly, ensuring she would have a keen mind as she stayed until late to talk with those around and get to know them, showing a genuine interest in the people and being a capable listener.