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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: The Index Reloaded --- (Index of the Giant's Comments II)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasdoif View Post
    Both aspects of the quote still being debated, why the Giant didn't show Tsukiko getting eaten and the differences between the command undead spell and the Command Undead ability, fall under the purview of B2 (since the former is about how the Giant draws the comic and the latter is about ambiguity in D&D rules; neither is about events in the comic itself).

    B2 is a "maybe" rule, saying such quotes may be included and that uncertainty on whether it merits inclusion should be decided by consensus. Which I imagine is why we're all discussing the status of its merits for inclusion.
    Thank you. While I don't see a discrepancy I can now argue why: In my view the quote makes it clear that the method used by Redcloak doesn't allow the Wights to exercise their limited free will aside from the Spell/Ability D&D clarification. I can show it as more important to include under rule C: it implies that RC doesn't have the level difference to use it against Xykon and leaves open the question of whether it can be used against the Durkon-Vampire.

    I don't want to get sidetracked into that discussion, but I could see the quote mattering there when they (RC & Dv) do face each other and the argument is debated about whether RC is high enough level to use it: a direct quote response that shows he'd need to be twice the level. And given that the rules are admittedly applied hit-and-miss then referring to an external source would not useful to that discussion.

    I apologize if that seems like a tangent, but in order to show how it could be used to fulfill "C" I just went ahead and did it. The ability/spell distinction only matters to those who know of both; the 'twice hit dice' note can matter to future plot elements.
    Last edited by Throknor; 2014-02-26 at 05:59 PM.