Quote Originally Posted by Raziere
In the Lex Luthor, Joker, Redcloak, The Master, and basically ever villain that has ever given a chance to turn back or redeem themselves and refused sense?

every villain is given a chance to back out. to go a different path. their refusal is the tragedy of which I speak of, for many of them are competent at what they do, and if only they turned their competence towards something useful and good....but they are still evil. how many times you gonna offer them a second chance before you kill them?

The Ebon Dragon is an exception to that, and is kind of on the level with the liches here. irredeemable, like most villains, they might be tragic, but that doesn't mean they are redeemable.
Okay, yea, except that's not EVERY villain.

I mean, the Ebon Dragon is an exception so that already breaks your rule. Redemption isn't possible for him, he never really had an actual chance to be redeemed because he's defined by his corruption on the most fundamental level, and he's so undeserving of pity or sympathy that he's not even tragic. He's just an *******.

Also, the Ebon Dragon can't be compared to liches because the Ebon Dragon didn't make the choice to be the Ebon Dragon. The alternative is being nothing at all.