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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: The Index Reloaded --- (Index of the Giant's Comments II)

    Alright, so there are three reasons to consider this quote, yeah?

    1) Reason for Redcloak's actions
    2) Specifying Command Undead ability vs. command undead spell
    3) Reason the wights' and Tsukiko's fate weren't directly shown, namely due to being "pretty horrific"

    The first has been addressed upthread.

    The second strikes me as unnecessary trivia. The exact method used only mattered in debunking a specific theory that was based on incorrect information about the rules in the first place. Anyone could have pointed the same thing out. As for readers who don't know what exact method was used, how does it help to know, exactly? An assumption that whatever was used worked exactly as it was shown to work seems reasonable.

    EDIT: As pointed out by The Linker below, even this information was already available in the comic.

    The third is, as far as I can see, the only worthwhile reason to consider the quote. The reasons behind The Giant's decisions art-wise are of some possible interest, but I fail to see what use this could be in further discussions.

    Personally, I'm against inclusion; I don't see enough merit in the quote. I don't think it's necessarily a clutter issue so much as a bogged down in trivia issue, if that makes any sense. If the index is meant to help discussions, small things like this just don't make the my cut.

    If I've missed any reasons for including the quote, please let me know.
    Last edited by NCoffin; 2014-02-27 at 10:25 PM.