Quote Originally Posted by NichG View Post
The third admissible possibility, and arguably the most likely case, is that the alignment system is descriptive of something that is not always consistent with human-scale moral philosophy. Its not meaningless, since in 90% of cases it lines up in a consistent way, but its also not a completely foolproof guide to moral decision-making because of that 10%.
However it's the consistency that would make it meaningless, since alignment either results from actions, intent, or behavior, a Lich has no connection with any of the lower planes, ergo it has no metaphysical link to evil. And even if and that's a big if there was, it would still make alignment meaningless.

It doesn't matter if it's a human philosophy or not, certain acts (and thoughts) are good, if the character has them they are moving towards Good, there is no way to be always doing good things and thinking Good and not be so in alignment that I am aware of.