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Thread: What happens if a lich is redeemed?

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    In a building.

    Default Re: What happens if a lich is redeemed?

    Quote Originally Posted by AMFV View Post
    I know I already responded to this point, but I've thought of another fairly unpleasant issue with this line of thinking... What about a creature that is born or created through an unspeakable or evil act. Many Half-Orcs are children of rape, half-fiends are descended from the purest form of evil, I would be loathe to state that something that happened at a singular point in a creature's life dictates it's existence forever, or else we'd wind up with evil babies and evil children, and that's something that I think is not entirely logical or reasonable.
    Children are perfectly capable of being evil, but in those cases their evil because of what they do and why, not because of who they are or where they came from.

    Clarifying edit: By "evil" I mean children are capable of nigh-unimaginable cruelty, partially because they don't understand the ramification of their actions, and partly because sometimes no one is willing to stop them.
    Last edited by Feddlefew; 2014-02-27 at 09:45 AM.