Aeolus and Basil at Civic Hall

Czasin the Red nodded briefly to Aeolus, "Alright there, fellow. Sure thing."

Then he turned his attention to the newly arrived Basil. "Ha ha! You sure talk funny don't you there, friend." Ironically, Czasin's colonial accent would definitely be entertaining to people back in Cheliax proper. And in fact, Taldan Taldane was largely considered the most proper dialect, and Basil spoke the most refined noble version of it! But these provincial folk didn't know any better. Things were different here in Arcadia. So very different.

"Ah, but where's my manners, forgive me, my blessed mother would be rolling in her grave if she knew I was being so disrespectful. I'm Czasin! Nice to meet ya, Basil." He offered his hand in friendship.

Interruption well played. It would appear that Aeolus has more to worry about than just stubborness on the part of the locals! Game on.

Leanora at Civic Hall

Eberk shook there for a few moments before he realized what she was asking. "Oh b-by Aroden's Light, I'm s-so s-sorry." He helped his grand daughter stand forward and the young lady did her best at a courtly curtsey.

"Hello my Lady. I am Tandra. At your service, if it pleases." She smiled warmly and sincerely. "I hope your journey was comfortable." Eberk was obviously a very good man to have such polite and kindly kinfolk, to be sure. A rare feature openly displayed in Cheliax these days. To have the most respected man in the colony be so "soft" would have to be a surprise to anyone.

Cid at Civic Hall

"Work with me!?" The big man laughed a bit. "Listen, your Knightly Lordship. We ride to the far reaches of the province. We watch for signs of trouble. Perversion. Out there, outside the village, some folks just can't take the quiet. Or the strain of always having the Scraelings watching. I don't know what you heard about the situation here. But just when you feel the most alone out there on the frontier of the Province, you aren't. They're watching you. I seen 'em. If the loneliness don't drive you mad, those wild eyes in the darkness will. This Man's volunteer guard -- you gotta ride like you were born in the saddle. You gotta be able to survive for days on patrol sometimes. And you gotta be willing to hunt a man down, a man that sometimes becomes something worse than a man. Madmen. Bandits. Whatever you want to call it. Sometimes civilization has a way of melting out of a person out there. So forgive me, your Knightly Lordship, if I wonder if your experience back where cities, towns, and villages cover the land really applies here where you only need to walk a mile to find a spot where no civilized person has every seen. Listen, I ain't judging you, sir. That's the thing. I don't know a thing about you other than you wear that big fancy armor and expect people to be impressed. You wanna find out if I'm the kind of guy you want to work with, then come with me and my boys after this shindig and have some hard pear cider with us up on Lookout Hill tonight. Tell us some stories. Listen to ours. Then we'll get down to judging each other."