Fargo Bank
The Bank was shut. A long press through the thinning crowd. They seemed to be splitting up just as you made for the bank, and you get caught in the contraflow of townspeople heading towards the banks second story, and miners heading to the bar.

Amid the miners roars, you catch snippets of conversation.

"….Jimmy's done it again, embarassed his'elf and his mama…."

"...T'ain't Miss Brigit Pretty…."

"Nora fainted clean away at the sight…."

"What will the Ruttin' Ladies Comittee say now JayDubleyah's gone drinkin' they'll be Tian Fuhn Di Fu"

"...A Companion you say?…."

And eventually you find your self jostled constantly by the people heading upstairs to the hall, looking at a large set of very locked looking doors.

There is a sign on the doors:

signed Mr Blake