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    Ogre in the Playground
    Zap Dynamic's Avatar

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    Dec 2011
    On Another Adventure

    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] A World-Building Game of People & Discovery

    Raaneka, the Painted Lands
    ((Attribute increases last round: Curiosity +2))
    ((Attribute increases this round: Curiosity +1))

    Year 361
    Rejoice! The golden statue in the plaza of Sarab is on schedule, and will be complete in time for an unveiling at the Second Raaneki Games! It has been proclaimed fitting revelry for such a glorious monument.

    Year 362
    At the first turning of the year, heralds with painted skin went forth to each kingdom, bearing a scroll sealed with the sigil of Lady and Lord of Raaneka:

    With the joined voices of Lady Aditi and Lord Devdan, Masters of Raaneka, may all the realms lend ear!

    The first Lord and Lady of Raaneka ruled for fifteen years, and great contests of prowess were held at their coronation and their abdication. These games have repeated themselves every fifteen years for centuries, and in the summer of 362, on the six longest days of the year, the Raaneki Games shall be held yet again. The Raaneki are eager to receive you in peace, and our athletes eager to compete. Come one and all, to partake of our hospitality and our fabled wine.

    The Raaneki Games shall begin in the capitol, Bandar of Many Colors. They will conclude in the city of Sarab.


    Aditi and Devdan
    Lady and Lord of Raaneka
    Bright Glory, Dark Wine

    May the Second Raaneki Games begin!

    Year 363
    Hail! Hark! May every land lend ear! Aditi Blackhands and her husband Devdan have abdicated the Twin Thrones and departed the land! As the eldest Raaneki coupling of their children, Lady Lomadi and Lord Ujval Devdano ascend to the Twin Thrones! Aditi and Devdan have left the Raaneki with the Berundas as a parting gift. May their glory never fade, and their goblets never empty.

    Year 364
    Princess Anguri Adite, Marshal of the Raaneki Berunda, has assembled her first flight of warriors! Her husband, Krama, acts as her second among this band of ten worthies.

    Year 365
    After five years of progress, Raaneka Stadium had been raised in purple stone on the southern edge of the field. Construction continued on the stadium awning. Raaneki throughout the land waited in anticipation of the next two phases: wayhouses along the mounted racecourse, and the stadium at Bandar Harbor.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1. Develop Berundas into an aerial military unit. (Curiosity 10)
    2. Project 2/2: Construct Golden Berunda Statue. (Curiosity)
    3. Host Second Raaneki Games in 362. All nations welcome to compete. (Diplomacy)
      • Lady Aditi and Lord Devdan abdicate to Prince Ujval and Lomadi.
      • Princess Anguri Adite to marry Krama, a mighty Raaneki warrior.
    4. Train 1 Berunda Aerial Unit. (Military)
    5. Great Project 2/5: Construct Raaneka Stadium. (Curiosity)
    Last edited by Zap Dynamic; 2014-03-07 at 05:50 PM.
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