The Blooming May

He gets back on his ship, his flying home. Valcario gets out his three bags of parts and his bag of clothes. His rubs his hands together. Time to make one of his coolest inventions yet.

He opens the bags, then spread the parts and clothing out. Then he gets out his steampunk army knife, and like a whirlwind starts putting things together like a whirlwind, the parts all being put together first to form the core of the invention, then all the clothes being sucked in to forms it actual function, until it was all used up and when he was finished, he was left with a new belt: The Personal Disguiser! He put it on. Not only useful for disguises, but also for changing clothes in general. It was basically a mobile wardrobe, with all the clothes and most of the machinery being in Gearspace, and with a press of the button his clothes will instantly change, his current outfit swapped out for a new one within.

He pressed its button, and clothing were instantly swapped by the machinery in a whirlwind of motion; he now had on pure cowboy clothing, his mono-goggle was aesthetically changed to be pure goggles strapped over his eyes, but only one was goggle was functional, he now had a ten-gallon cowboy hat, vest with a SHERIFF star badge on it, his black pants were replaced by blue ones, and his already cowboy boots? all that changed were that spurs were now on them, giving them that distinct cowboy walking chnk-chnk sound, and most importantly of all, he now had a thick false whisker-mustache, giving him a more scruffy appearance.

He changed his posture a bit, slumping a little and changing his stride to be more slow and easy going,he put on a more stoic, lazy expression with a dash of tiredness mixed in. He tested his different voice and speech mannerisms a few times while looking in the mirror. Perfect. Classic sheriff of the frontier. He lazily walked over to the ship's wheel and piloted a course for HALO....