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Thread: Erfworld Thread III: As the Erf Turns

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    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Erfworld Thread III: As the Erf Turns

    Quote Originally Posted by slayerx View Post
    Cause y'know, there can't be a reason for them being jerks... like how everyone shuns them because of the magic they were popped with. Like the croakamancers...
    Their magic is, by a certain interpretation of Erfworld social mores, blasphemy. It's defying or evading Fate, which is the Titan's Plan for Erf. Maybe some people pity them for the bad hand of life they were dealt, but I doubt anyone likes Carnies except other Carnies. And by their standards, they're not wrong. Croakamancers are shunned because their magic is creepy and icky, but people probably invite Croakamancers to parties before sending invitations to Carnymancers.

    Or maybe being a Carnymancer just comes with an inherent attitude modifier of 'manipulative and untrustworthy'. Your entire reason to exist is cheating the laws of the universe and Screwing Destiny - maybe you put on a friendly, trustworthy face( like JoJo's comradery, or this Carnymancer's pain and desperation) to lure the mark in and get a customer, but what do other people really matter to you, the person who can bend Fate to your will?

    Maybe you're right. We'll just have to see if this new character lives up to the Carnymancer stereotype, or defies it somehow. But I think putting DigDoug, with his mental confusion and emotional pain, in the clutches of a Carnymancer is going to go very poorly for him and his side.
    Last edited by The Glyphstone; 2014-03-04 at 11:33 AM.