I've got this idea for a giant structure in a D&D cosmos, and it's going to be hard to describe and visualise without just telling the players what they're looking at...

What I want is to have a 3D model of the structure so I can show views of it to the group, without just saying "You're in a structure like X."

This is where my PbP players should leave the thread, cause I'm going to say what it is, okay?


I need an interior view of a "stick-vectored" small stellated dodecahedron, inside an icosahedron - like this:

- but from the inside, looking out.

It's essentially a spiked d12 inside a d20, but made of wires instead of a solid object.

I've got Bryce 5, but I'm having no luck with rotating triangular objects - and anyway, Bryce doesn't seem to like doing "stick vectors": it's all filled solid objects rather than wire frames.

Can anyone help?!