Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Coconut Bee Island

Alice agrees with the plant thing, and was thinking something along the lines of Meddwl a Rennir- Welsh for 'shared thoughts'. But admits it's rather obvious, and is open for suggestions. "I think we're good, thank you." She's not trying to just use one voice now, so all three will talk, and smile, in unison. They can practice independent movement when they're alone; for now, they can head back to Derek's Skyside offices.

Which reminds me that I have no idea what's happened to the Wemic, Crutithiah or Sweetcandy.
It is a rather obvious scheme, but IC he gets to note the coincidence.

The rest of them wonders why Welsh, not being familiar with the language save through Alice. It does describe them, shared thoughts, words, selves.
All three the same, how cute. "You're welcome." Derek leads back through the portal, changing threads.

Cruitithiah would be working in the gardens still, with the reptilian head-gardener showing her how to care for all the plants and asking too many questions about nirnroots. They've been on the island a while, but not for the whole of the day.
The Wemic, I imagine, has been given her javelins by now, and sent into Outside to look for things of interest. Like nirnroots!
Sweetcandy is still back at the Skyside offices being watched carefully by a minion after having her leg set. I would presume she's been given something safe, like a stuffed tadpole, in order to play with, but that part hasn't happened onscreen. The ones who went to look for her parents got involved fighting beholders, one of whom was killed by the cannons. The other beholder destroyed a cannon and sent its crew running off, was shot at, and hasn't done anything since, though it's probably about to disintegrate the minion in charge.