The mass of undead around Killian snarl, hiss, and howl at him as he emerges onto the top deck of the Soaring Eagle to see not only Aden Hawk at the top, but two other figures along with him.

Aden still wears his captain-insignia on his ivory bone armor attached directly to his flesh, but now holds a two-handed bone sword and has black magic stitching his head to his body. The yellow glow of his eyes tell you that there is no mortal left remaining in him.

To Aden's right is an elven woman with white hair, dark skin, black armor, and a deep scarring wound directly under her eye. The dark elf stands ready to draw her katana and use it at a moments notice.

To Aden's left is a man that is half a foot taller than Aden, appears living, and has a lieutenant rank on his chest, indicating that he is Aden's direct subordinate. The man carries an extremely long whip that seems to be made entirely of shadow energy and a bone-longsword in the other hand. His sharp cheekbones and stern gaze indicate that he is Karrnathi.

"How truly honorable is it that this giant comes and challenges you, Captain? Please, allow me to fight in your place, sir." He says to Aden with no hidden amount of spite in his voice.

Aden answer's his lieutenant's question, "Calm yourself, Marcus. Do you realize what you ask? This is the very man that killed me, and you ask to fight him in my place?"

"Sir, he may have killed you. I give you that. But do you have any idea what he did to me?" Lieutenant Deneith says with hatred as he grips his weapons tight.

Aden pauses for a moment to consider the situation, watching Deneith. "Very well, Lieutenant. You may fight in my name, once we clear up this unfair advantage of his."

"And what of me, Captain? I will not sit idly by and watch your army be useless while your pawn toys with the enemy leader. I am here on a mission." Says the dark elf woman.

"Silence, Syree! You will get your chance...

Aden turns his attention to Killian now, "We already know that you can best me in a fight. This is why I will be sending Lieutenant Marcus Deneith in my place. Accept, and he will fight you for the custody of this ship. Decline, and I will order my army to tear this ship apart to find the elven girl."

Syree cannot help but letting loose a wide, wicked grin. She obviously wants you to decline Aden's offer.

Aden continues, "If you are to have a fair and honorable fight with my so-called 'pawn', I ask that you dismiss your unfair magical advantage." He is obviously referring to your size.