Ariana's Detect Magic:
You sense as magical:

-The party's usual magical gear effects
-Especially Killian's sword, there is more magic radiating from this item right now than usual.
-The whip that Marcus is using
-Syree's katana and wakizashi
-Aden Hawk's spliced bone armor

As Killian charges past Marcus, Marcus takes the chance to swing at him with his bone sword.

Attack of Opprotunity (Longsword):(1d20+11)[26]

Killian manages to bypass Marcus from there. The line of enemy undead fear your Protection from Evil spell, and they retreat away from you before you get close enough for them to be forced away by the spell.

"Useless maggots!" Aden yells in fury. He steps over to press his foot on Killian's sword just before he arrives to pick it up.

Aden wasn't expecting the Protection from Evil spell, and as a boy would deflect a ball away from him while playing a game, so to does Killian's magic deflect Aden. The bone knight sails through the air and catches the ground in a bone-on-wood crack!

Syree Shianna sees what happened to Aden and draws her katana in a flash, but does not yet move. She is waiting to see Killian engage Marcus.

Killian retrieves his blade and turns to charge Marcus. The connection with whatever has been communicating with Killian is reestablished.

-And as I was saying...he can be outsmarted, especially by you, Killian.

His armor is weak along his ribcage.

Using the guidance whispered into his mind, Killian whirls the sword above his head and arcs it into Marcus' ribcage, dealing a terrible amount of damage.

An unholy cry of pain echoes throughout the Nightwood.

Killian pulls the blade out of Marcus' side and returns to a combative stance, ready to continue the fight. Stale, unused blood trickles out from Marcus' new wound.

In fury, the creature strikes back with his bone sword. Killian's guide was correct in that Marcus is a fast combatant.


Attack 1 (Longsword): (1d20+11)[17]

Attack 2 (Longsword): (1d20+6)[23]

"To Khyber with this! All forces engage! Find Shianna's elf girl, now!" Upon his command, the entire swarm of undead spring into action.

About one third of the undead stay around Killian, staying to support Aden and Marcus. Two undead warriors leap at Killian, only to be violently deflected backward by his protection spell.

Another one third of the undead spread out around the top level, searching the entire deck for signs of Emerald.

The remaining one third of the undead begin charging the stairwell, directly at Ariana. One zombie spots and engages her, striking a pair of clawed hands at her.


Attack (Zombie Claw):(1d20+5)[12]
Damage: [roll]1d4+1

Attack (Zombie Claw):(1d20+5)[9]
Damage: [roll]1d4+1

Meanwhile, down at the bottom of the stairwell, Emerald, Cadeyrn, and Alimov hear the commotion happening upstairs.

Emerald is lightly shaken with fear, but she stands her ground. That is, she drops her mace to the ground, then pulls her backpack off her shoulders and opens it to look for something inside.

"I won't be able to help you guys fight, I don't think. But there is something I can do to help." She looks directly at Cadeyrn and winks. "We owe this one to a man named Tinker Tanner."

She finally finds the flute inside her pack and pulls it out. She holds the instrument to her mouth begins playing the notes to Tinker Tanner. Emerald begins glowing softly with a warm green, sparkling tone. Her music and presence reinforces the party's minds with an inspiration of courage.

The last time this song was heard was when Cadeyrn and Emerald were singing it in Vedykar, just before Syree....


-Emeralds song gives the entire party in the stairwell (including Ariana) a +1 to Attack, Damage, and Will vs. Fear. Killian is surrounded by snarling, screaming, howling zombies and does not hear Emerald's music being played.
-Aden used a held Move Action to move to the sword, though it backfired against him.
-Killian is now on the opposite side of the stairway/Ariana with Marcus in between.
-One zombie is engaged with Ariana at the stairway, with three more directly behind her and more behind them.
-It is the party's turns again.