At the behest of the mechanical moderators, Terressa departs the halls, her mind still on the clause. To her, Verix and Nerkiv still represented potential threats - to give them the ability to reestablish themselves as powers was not exactly something she wanted. Still, mortals changed much more quickly than she did. While the past seven hundred years were long, most mortals only survived a handful of decades, a century at most. Some of them lived a little longer, like elves...regardless, perhaps it was time to give them a chance to make things better for themselves. It was obvious most of Thylle's representatives did not care to do that.

I need to take this time to relax...Frederick is practically useless, so I guess I will be representing Olsworth this time. Terressa shook her head, sending away the swarming thoughts of politics and war. She sighed, knowing that the peace that had been wrought was most likely the cause of her current diplomat's laze.

Once outside the meeting hall, she seeks out a spot to simply rest and regain a peaceful mindset.