As the big northman looks around he can just make out in the light of the dancing orbs a twisted longsword broken off halfway down the blade. The broken sword lying some 3ft form the collapsed rock face and an armoured hand sticking out. Hotep's eyes, even in the dark could make out the white tree of House Ash on the golden signet ring of the arm... Sir Ash had fallen.

Beside the Tali the blind elf nods and holds onto her hands for support. "I was not down here, like you all I fell. The Storm King split aside the earth and I fell..." as he speaks it jars your memories and you can all remember now what happened!

Armasse officially began at noon with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself. THe crowds were thick in Clydwell Plaza, all ready and excited about the 2 days or martial tournaments. As the aged Inquisitor took to the stage and raised a hand for silence the crowd responded, th throng of some 4000 falling silent. Just as he about to speak there was a rippling clash of thunder and a bright light erupted from the West like a second sunrise, although one tinged with red. The blaze of light sent Hulrun's shadow massive and distorted with horns and tails across the façade of the cathedral before the thunder combined with a terrifying earth tremor and buildings swayed and hundreds were tossed to the ground. The screaming began.

The Kite, the fortress containing the wardstone of Kenabres vanished in a massive plume of red fire lightning and smoke. The wind whipping across the plaza sending shutters slamming and dust scarring people's faces. A moment later a massive roar echoed across the city, a roar that sent heart into the plaza as Terendelev, the Silver Wyrm and the city's greatest guardian took flight from the crowd where she been disguised as a human. The reason became apparent as another massive creature flew out of the crackling fire and lightning. A form as nightmarish as Terendelev was inspiring. 6 times the height of a man with a skin of raw fire a sword crackling lightning and a whip of serpentine evil. Khorramzadeh the storm King of the Worldwound!

EVen as the Balor descended down from the heavens other demons tore themselves free of the rift and leapt into the plaza. Massive gouts of fire, unholy rains of hellish rain and clawed babu's and toad like Glabrezu's began to tear through the throng. Even as the Crusaders began to try and fight, the clash of the near god like beings began in the sky above. But it was over all too quickly. Even as the dragon began to summon her protective enchantments the Balor struck, whip and blade tearing deep wounds into her body and wings and the centre of the plaza vanished in a massive cloud of fire and smoke as both colossal creatures crashed into the stones.

Even as the Cathedral collapsed upon Balor and Dragon the various heroes leapt into action but it was too late! More demons arriving caused more tremors and flames that shot across the square and with a tearing sound the very earth was rent asunder as a titanic 6 legged insectile demon tore into reality. All of you could feel the earth opening underneath you, buildings, statues of great heroes and dozens of people all plunging down into blackness. Your last sight was great silver wyrm meeting your gazes with her own sapphire gazes and her last strength throwing out a net of magical force to slow you descent before a crackling flame wreathed sword shot from the smoke severing her neck, then the fall into darkness as the earth above crashed together sealing you in the cavern..."

The girl beside Flash buried her face I her hands. "The city. She is lost. THe crusade is lost. and final sad sounding "Irabeth. Gods protect you and see you safe from harm."

The well dressed man is less well disposed. A curt "Well hurry up" to Tali as she tends to Aravashnial. The elf again holding her, "Who is the loud man Tali. Who is the armoured one you speak of? Is he a knight of the City?