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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    It could be surmounted, but it created a ludicrously difficult logistical supply chain, which was the problem. Though the British had the advantage of Canada.
    This is partially true, as this would have been pre-Steamship. However, by this point, most European nations had access to Clipper ships, which were able to quickly cross the Atlantic before logistics became a serious problem so long as they remembered to stock up beforehand.

    It wasn't until the Steamship that Transatlantic Crossings were truly safe or easy, but Clippers were more than able to get the average crew across without Herculean feats of logistical power. If the British weren't also involved, the Ocean's challenges alone wouldn't have stopped South America from being crushed under Europe's boot. Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    Plus, Africa had fewer people with muskets and cannons.
    This, however, is right on the money. It also helps that a lot of the regions in question were already unstable and weak thanks to the receding Ottomans.

    EDIT: Oh, and 55 is a player Region. I don't think they'll like it very much if you colonize them.
    Last edited by BladeofObliviom; 2014-03-16 at 10:57 PM.