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Thread: DrK's Wrath of Righteous IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK's Wrath of Righteous IC

    "The armoured one appears to be a paladin of Iomedae. There are a few other armed men with him, but I don't know if any are from the army. The loud one claims to be a lord of the city above," I explain quietly to the blind elf as I lead him over to where a young woman is now tending to the noble. I draw myself up, taking on the more regal bearing that had been schooled into me from a young age.

    "I am Contessa Tali Summers of Arkney as was," I introduce myself to the pair, with a wry smile at the girl to reassure her that this isn't a prelude to me throwing my weight around. I address most of the remainder of my speech directly to the noble. "But let's not stand on ceremony. To be blunt, I fear you now share my situation. With the fall of The Kite and our guardian Terendelev and the Storm King here in person, Kenabres is surely lost."

    "We find ourselves deep behind enemy lines, and finding our way out to safety is no sure thing. We must not be short-sighted. You commanded others to leave the scout to tend your wounds. But who is better placed than a scout to lead us out of this place? Your wounds are not serious; you will not die from them. But who else here is a scout? Who else can lead us from these caverns and guide us through enemy lines? Your command could have doomed us all, yourself included."

    "No, let us not stand on titles. They are the least important thing in this cavern if we are all to survive."

    Diplomacy check:
    To get the noble to settle down and focus on survival more than any petty indignities he feels may be suffered against his rank.

    I suppose there's also a chance this man may have known Tali's parents.
    Last edited by RCgothic; 2014-03-17 at 03:38 AM.