Part of EMPIRE!, this takes place in the Year 373.


Sulvan's Fury was bustling with excitement. The people were uneasy, worried, but also largely curious what their next Primarch would be like. The royal family had largely disappeared, and the distant members that still were there were too distant, and so the throne would fall to those who would win in the arena.

A large underground arena was erected, the cave hollowed to a perfect dome cut with imagery of former Primarchs and champions, their beards decorated with lines of mithril, their eyesockets filled with gems. The stands filled with thousands of dwarves to watch the tournament, eager to find out who would be their next ruler.

Battle! The dwarven beerhalls stank with excitement. Soon there'd be victory, soon there would be A PRIMARCH!


- Keldagrim (has claim due to Sulvan marriage ties)
- Razdis (has claim due to Sulvan ancestry)
- Sanctuary (has claim due to Sulvan ancestry)
- Lyradis (has claim due to Sulvan ancestry)
- Bordeux (as an observer)
- Ashenia (as an observer)
- Raaneka (to supply booze)
- Grmanhil (to supply booze)

Bordeux and Ashenia might also bring forth claimants from among their citizenry that may have Sulvan ancestry due to their long ties with the region of Sulvan's Fury, but these will be mere commoners. Claimants that aren't rulers use stats generated similarly to that of a new player's first ruler/unrelated new ruler. Commoner stats are all 1d3s, arrange to liking.

The Competition:
The Primarch will be decided by elimination tournament. All participants will duel until one has been wounded--what constitutes as "wounded" is vague in Sulvai terms, as long as the wounded can still walk away from the battle it's all good.

Winners of a duel are decided by rolling 1d10+1/2 Military, best 2 out of 3 wins.

(In case of an amount of participants that isn't 2, 4 or 8, the numbers will be filled up with Sulvan claimants to one such number.)