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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Where I am.

    d6 Re: [Nexus] Home 17 - Where you know all your friends and all your enemies

    Jace's Place

    "Yeah, I don't want to impede-"

    "You have everything that I have, which is next to nothing! You can't afford to go out on your own!"

    "He said there were temples!"

    "That will help a little, but if we want the best chance we should pool resources-"

    "But that's creepy!"


    Sophie and Copi's Place

    "That may be preferable to this," She says with a frown, "It seems to be overwhelming."

    "It's not if you've grown up with it," Copi says, and then stops.

    "Constant sensory input is common for life... but many computer programs are made to operate with minimal input, and managing a large amount of input, even just images, is very complex for a program. How odd."
    Last edited by Lost_Deep; 2014-04-02 at 07:55 PM.