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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Where I am.

    Default Re: [Nexus] Home 17 - Where you know all your friends and all your enemies

    Jace's Place

    "Yeah... that makes sense."

    "What? No! Then how do I remember what you remember?"

    "I don't know! It makes more sense than a lot of things, okay! Life is just weird all around right now. I came back to life, with weird powers. Twice. We can't rule anything out."

    "That's completely insane!"

    "Yes. And?"

    Dead Teen Kell opens her mouth, and after a moment shuts it. She wants to find a counterpoint, but can't. She's obviously cranky about it.

    Sophie and Copi's Place

    The AI nods. "Thank you, Mintbalm." She then takes a few steps forward, and tries to wrap Mintbalm in a hug. It's a bit tighter than a normal hug, and the arms are a bit awkward, but it's a hug.
    Last edited by Lost_Deep; 2014-04-02 at 09:12 PM.