Quote Originally Posted by toapat View Post
Its still Invisible,
Sure, but that is a solvable problem.

its still Incorporal,
Which is a non-issue for a 20th level character. Even without a ghost touch weapon, surely they have a magic weapon.

and it is still Undefined asto HP and hardness.
AKA DM's call. He'll probably just crib the stats from 3.5e except as changed by Pathfinder (for example, it no longer requires a special weapon or environmental effect--anything that damages incorporeal things works against one). So, hardness 10, HP 20. No big deal at those levels.

and you cant claim that Alchemical silver is usable as the standard because its not Alchemical silver.
No longer requires silver. Its only protection is being invisible and incorporeal.

And archery in PF isnt as effective as in 3.5. It cant be when its competition is 12d6 bonus damage per round with an armor boost,
12d6/round is 42/round on average. There are plenty of archery builds that far exceed that. The Deadly Aim feat alone will add 70 damage per round at level 20, and not available in 3.5e. You'd have a point if it was 42 per arrow in a full attack, but per round? No way. Even if you rolled all 6s, your bonus damage from that does not exceed the deadly aim feat all by itself.

Herald of the end times,
Not sure what you're referring to.

or a Fighter who in a single full attack action fires NI crossbow bolts
Name me one DM who has ever allowed the splitting hand crossbow trick in actual play.