Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
Q3: What does it mean when a character is 0th level? What abilities does he get? AS&SH has even 0th level thieves and wizards. Is there such a thing in AD&D? Level 0 fighters appear in the THAC0 tables.
You've kind of answered your own question with the last sentence - level 0 characters have no appreciable combat skills. They might be ok in a bar fight, they might even train once a week or so with a spear or a bow as part of a local militia, but against a trained soldier or watchman who either trains or uses their weapons every day, when there's a very real chance of death or dismemberment, they'd be in trouble and most likely surrender or flee.

Whilst belligerent races like Orcs and Goblins, and the average semi-trained quasi-professional adventurer, are yet another step beyond.

For skills and abilities, it would really depend on what the DM thinks they should have - an Oliver Twist-type NPC operating for the local thieves guild might have the equivalent of, say, level 5 thieves skills for pick pocket and climb walls, but be level 0 otherwise. A blacksmith may have higher hit points, a slightly better armour class (heavy leather blacksmiths apron) and possibly a +1 to hit (he checks each weapon he makes is ok before handing it over the buyer, so he's slightly more proficient than the average person, but not up to the level of someone who trains on a regular basis). A mayors clerk may be conversant in several languages, especially if they're on the border with another land or a lot of foreign trade passes through the town. And so on.