Quote Originally Posted by oppyu View Post
Question about the Durkon translations, are we going to be translating every single dwarf person talking? "Kaboom" Redaxe, Durkon's mother, any other dwarves we meet in the entire arc taking place in the dwarven lands....

Durkon: Mama.. wha? Wha's tha?
(D): Mama... what? What's that?
Durkon's Mum: It's call'd tha sky, me li'l laddie. It's whar bless'd Thor lives. Yer granpappy brought me up ta see tha sky fer tha first time onna summer day like this.
(DM): It's called the sky, my little laddie. It's where blessed Thor lives. Your grandpappy brought me up to see the sky for the first time on a summer day like this.
Durkon: Wha's it fer?
(D): What's it for?
Durkon's Mum: Tha sky? It holds tha world down! If'n thar weren't no sky, tha ground'd just up an' float away!
(DM): The sky? It holds the world down! If there weren't no sky, the ground would just up and float away!
Durkon: An' wha're those fluffy things?
(D): And what are those fluffy things?
Durkon's Mum: Clouds. Whar Thor keeps 'is water when 'e's na usin' it.
(DM): Clouds. Where Thor keeps his water when he's not using it.
Durkon: An' tha really bright torch?
(D): And the really bright torch?
Durkon's Mum: 's call'd tha sun. Sunna drives it 'cross tha sky each day.
(DM): It's called the sun. Sunna drives it across the sky each day.
Durkon: Mama...it's all so...pretty.
(D): Mama...it's all so...pretty.

And so forth. It wouldn't be just completely unnecessary, it could turn into a real pain to transcribe and read.

EDIT: Also, what qualifies as the accent? Aye, Pa, Granpappy, Mama, Och, Laddie could all either be regular conversation or Durkonisms that need to be translated.
In the transcription so far that I've proofed, I made granpappy = grandfather, pappy = father, and Aye = yes. The rest are just regular conversation. Even when I've gone through, I've found cases where there didn't need to be translation for Durkon's speech, because it wasn't abbreviated at all, so I took out the repetitive translation. I think the original reason for the translation, was so that the words were able to be looked up for people who aren't native to english. Can't really do that with abbreviations and things.

Currently, inclusion of Durkon's speech pattern's translation is a topic being decided on. Is there anyone for it at this point?