So everyone knows, Slayer and Wombat supported my claim to Qarimos, so I'll be taking control of them next round. I'm pretty sure I've got all of the trade deals worked out:

Qarimosi Ships for Sympol Lumber
Qarimosi Spice for Domhan Lumber and Guilderene Crops
Qarimosi Elephants for Lyradissian Pottery/Bricks and Grmanhili Iron

Tychris, Wombat, Burke, and Slayer, could you confirm these are accurate? Everyone else, could you check to make sure you're not trading something with Qarimos that's not on this list? Trying to clean things up but I'm not finding many records.

While we're advertising available resources, please let me know if anyone is interested in:

1 stack of Heartwine
1 stacks of colored stone
2 stacks of Qarimosi ocean-faring ships
1 stack of Qarimosi spices
1 stack of Qarimosi elephants
