I'm running a (progressively more and more altered) version of d20 Future.
For a long time now I've been wrestling with how to handle the inevitable interaction between a starship and a large monster (e.g. dragon) or some other magic wielding "character-sized" foe (e.g. epic wizard).

I could just role-play the interaction, but that is less interesting for my players because they can't plan. And in the current stats of a star ship there would be no contest simply because of the speed difference. A dragon, while it's defenses may make it nearly invulnerable to a fighter, and it has the damage to destroy a fighter readily-- I probably can't ever hit the fighter that can zip 500-5000ft in a turn.

So my question is this: does anyone have any stat adjustments to enable such an encounter with some measure of balance and interaction for the PCs?
In my mind, an Ancient or older dragon should be a fair match for most moderately sized starships, but probably will have trouble with the upper end (which by virtue of their HP alone seem to cover this).
What do all y'all think?