Sitting in the cell- mostly because she can't stand up in it- an overabundant tall girl in a mismatched jacket and dress cradles her knees to her chest, rosey hair a disheveled wreath about her shoulders. For the past few hours, she's drifted out of feeling sorry for herself with tears and sobs, as one might expect, and angrily growling or muttering oaths that one would not expect of the demure giantess. In both cases, she calls out for Aquilo-somethingorother as one might call for a favorite stuffed animal...

She is silent now (as the guard has been able to get some sleep,) probably about to switch from extremes as soon as she is able to muster the energy. There it is. Head half raised from her knees, she peeks out and seems to notice for the first time that she is not alone in the brig.

"...Where are we going?" she delicately whispers, "Who are you all?"