This race was inspired by Admiral Squish's race of bone wearing oozes (the Sslak). After reading his race I immediately had visions of oozes seeping into people and playing body snatcher.

However, after thinking about it a bit, I figured it deserved to be a separate idea. (Plus, I love the concept of the symbiotic template, which the end result owes a lot to).

The main idea was to create a race that is suitable as a "guest" of a slightly adapted symbiotic template.

Currently, I've tried to reduce the potential unbalancing aspects of the template by removing the hosts class (and making the guest/Zannu the one gaining class levels), removing all mental feats/bonuses/abilities of the host and having to reduce a potential host to 0 in all 3 mental abilities before joining.

Things that need to be done (All help, comments and improvements welcome!):

Mind link racial ability (A mostly fluff ability where once per year all Zannu share their new experience with each other telepathically (from every corner of the multi-verse) - Something along the lines of a single legend lore question to be asked (re asked) at that time?)

How the joined creature reacts to being recently joined (How fast can he properly use his new body? Probably instantly stabilize, re-roll all dice against disease and poison... or something like that)

How to deal with racial hit dice (treat as LA? (but what if you go from a 6 racial hit die host to a 2 racial hit die host?) Only allow creature with less then X racial hit die? - For that matter, how to handle LA?)

How to deal with Ex/Su abilities (Of course the mental ones go bye bye, but what to do with the physical ones - some of the shape shift problems, but less so as you have to capture the creature alive first)

Aging of the host body (Should age normally... or maybe a bit slower then normal, maybe add some sort of saving throw (1 per year) to prevent the increase of age category?)

What feats does this race need? (Something that allows for more types of creatures to become hosts (monstrous humanoids at least) // maybe a feat to give the above bonuses to stop aging? // a feat to increase the amount of LA/racial HD you can have in your host body (or how many you can ignore).

Race specific prestige class (Similar some of the feat ideas above, something that allows you to ignore X LA, or racial HD, or take more types of hosts, or gain the Ex/Su abilities of the more powerful bodies? // Undead version, using either undead or corpses?)