Remi Krevel

"Yes, yes, understandable, sir. I see no problems at all regarding your requirements. Very well then! If I may," he motioned to borrow the man's quill, then proceeded to sign where the caravan master pointed as neatly as he could. He then stepped away from the table to let the others sign.

"Go on, go on. Sign up! This is one promising trip! We get to see the ocean, then the mountains. How lovely! Quite frankly I've never been to the seas, so this is indeed exciting!" Remi said to his comrades like a child a day before his first hunting trip. Then, eyeing the barmaid and the keg in tow, he darted off towards her.

"Hurry up, you lot. There might not be a drop of this fine Ironhold Stout left if you take your time any longer!" he grinned. Turning to the barmaid, he asked, "Can we take that one?" pointing at one of the vacant booths.