Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
That's less creative differences and more someone being a complete sleezebucket, now isn't it?
To be fair, he didn't really say that. He only hinted that he, as an expert on the topic, didn't like it, or something like this. It's just my interpretation. Since he told me that he doesn't like feminism, I think that interpretation is correct, since it's the only other accusation I have heard raised against Fifty Shades of Grey. (Well, apart from the fact that it's badly written)

I wouldn't call him sleazy, although he did talk about sex a lot. I rather got the impression that he's the kind of person who doesn't really think before talking and has no sense whatsoever of what is appropriate. (He's roughly my age and I did ask him out, so it didn't seem so very inappropriate. To me. But I know nothing about manners anyway.)

All in all, it was pretty funny. I don't think I have ever met (or at least gone one a date with) a person who had less in common with me than that guy. Unless all men are secretly like this and just hide it in order to impress me. That's what I'm worried about.