For what it's worth, i'm enjoying Erfworld. It isn't laugh out loud funny, (excluding today's 'flaking' effect from exposure to too much 'flower power') but I like it. Some people have commented that they are confused by being plumped down into a world they don't understand, I find it somewhat entertaining... e.g. 'Okay, so magical abilities are granted by peices of clothing'. It's not an entirely new setting, it's a for kids turn based rpg, i've played a few of them, [didn't much enjoy them] but I like how serious the characters take themselves in this comic. 'Watch out for dwagons! Serious bussiness!'... the advent of o ryl owls? Kinda through me for a loop, now I don't know where the humour in the story is going. I liked the joke, but it seemed out of place. Can't wait to read more and figure out what the heck is going on in this world.