Lady Xanthe of Thaliseth reads over the note again. It is peculiar, truly peculiar. There is a threat in them, and she does not like to be threatened. It is vague, it could easily be an attempt to fool her into doing something stupid. But why her? Her brother Kyral has the family's titles and is known to be headstrong. Perhaps this is a way to lure her from the capitol, there might be a plot going on. A plot that needs her absence. It might also be a plot to involve her in something that could cause a scandal, to remove her and damage the family. But this might also be an opportunity. And at the moment she doesn't have much here, not after the argument with Chryseïs. Of course Chryseïs is from lower birth, but that still does not excuse her accusing Xanthe of maintaining intimate relationships with others. What does she take her for? Another lowborn merchant's daughter. Thaliseth is a name with meaning, with standing and breeding. But the shouting of last night might lead to a resurgence of the rumors, some time in the countryside might be helpful there.

She has made up her mind, she is going on a tour through the country, past the family's holdings, and there are a few manors in the Fields of Blood, justifying going through Deadfall. It will be easy to organize, she will need a few guards, the essentials of her staff and some other basics.

A few days later Xanthe's caravan has almost reached Deadfall. The lady sits in her carriage while Brise, one of her maids, is doing her hair. It simply won't do to look less than perfect when being seen in public, even if the only ones who are present are the boorish inbred peasants of such a village. They should know that she truly is their better.