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Thread: North for the Summer: Hard Rain- Entaris

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Entaris's Avatar

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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: North for the Summer: Hard Rain- Entaris

    Valan clenches his jaw and snorts in annoyance, shifting back to Homid for a moment to remove his suit and shoes and punch a message into his phone,

    Spoiler: Message to Beta, Lords, Talons and any local Kin.
    Den attacked. Wyrm-sign everywhere. The White hunts.

    He then slipped his phone carefully into his suit pocket, hung it in the closet and swelled into his favored Hispo form, the white of his scar spreading from his milk-white eye to encompass his head and chest and back in snow-white fur, only the "boots" of his legs being the signature night-black of the Shadow Lords.

    Spoiler: Shift roll: Hispo Diff 7

    The large wolf raising its head to the room and drew in a breath, letting the nose it was born with and Gaia's will show him the path to his Enemy.

    Spoiler: Sensing: Diff -1 for Hispo
    Last edited by Entaris; 2014-05-14 at 04:04 AM.
    "Entaris is a walking dynamo of chaos. Wherever he shows up, people take aggravated." -Acanous

    "The starting condition for this game is alone and lost in the woods. Not driving your lion-drawn chariot through the thick forest during a thunderstorm." -Jakarta

    Good Luck. Have Fun. Much Explosion.