Quote Originally Posted by Keris View Post
And this is the point where I try and salvage my ego by pointing out that the number of module manager patches doesn't necessarily have a direct correspondence to the number of mods used. Of my 692 patches, the majority come from only a handful of the 50 distinct mods I'm using. And if you are running ~150 mods then I certainly wouldn't want to be in your shoes when 0.24 comes and and breaks compatibility for half of them.
Yeah, that's gonne be """fun"""...though most large mods get updated surprisingly quickly, i remember playing pretty much instantly when the ARM patch came out. Some hiccups with the new parts, but playable.
I probably use about 80 - 90 mods including small ones like SelectRoot, too much to count them one by one for lazy me in any case

Quote Originally Posted by Keris View Post
It's not like I could just uninstall these mods, after all.
How could anyone do such a thing? That would be like eradicating their existence once and for all...