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Thread: Monk Exercise 3.P [Re-work; PEACH]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Monk Exercise 3.P [Re-work; PEACH]

    Overall, I... Like it. I think.
    You think? You don't know?

    It's got some problems as it is now, though.
    Uh oh....

    It's still MAD. With a 15PB we're looking at something like, say STR:14 DEX:16 CON:12 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:8 - a mild level of optimization.
    MAD, yes, I did admit it probably still is. I'm hoping not as badly as before?
    With the aforementioned Ranger and Paladin, who both also need Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and a mental score (Charisma and Wisdom respectively).
    Though I suppose Dexterity isn't as necessary seeing as both can wear armor, where the Monk still doesn't have access.

    What does it mean?
    First - damage. The Ki Strike ability is, currently, a bit weak.
    We get a +3 to hit at 1st level. +1 to hit with Flurry of Blows - that means we can hit an AC 11 50% of times. 5% less for every point of AC. And if we hit, let's pray it's on our first attack roll. To lessen the MAD, we can grab Weapon Finesse and sink our Strength, but... Then our damage sinks as well.
    My solution?
    I'd drop the "on the first attack only" part. It's got literally no synergy with Flurry of Blows as it is, and DR borks it heavily. Letting them add this damage on every attack would help. Need some wa
    Assuming a Ranger of similar stats? If two weapon fighting they would also have +1 for both, and rapid shot range would be similar. Is there a different way you'd build a ranger in this instance?
    Either way, multi-weapon fighting or rapid shot isn't the best early on I would think, due to how low attack bonuses are at early levels, unless you're fighting a bunch of low armor critters. Though you're right about the decreasing ki strike bonus. That might have been left over when I started with d6's over d4's. I'll take out the decrease. It'll work better. DR is hopefully overcome with the weapon qualities gained at levels 4,7,10, and 16. And, hopefully, the best part, you don't necessarily have to use unarmed strikes- the base die damage and the bonus damage is supposed to be usable on ANY weapon the monk is proficient with. Hell, I just realized they can Flurry with any weapon so long as they're proficient. Which I don't mind at all 0-0*

    Second - AC.
    With the aforementioned stats, we're looking at AC of 15, which at 4th level grows to 16. A 4th level Paladin will sport a fullplate, running around with about 18 AC, +Cha mod against his Smite targets. Maybe a +1 fullplate.
    Later on, lack of armor hurts a bit more.
    Three ways of subverting that:
    - Add the Magic Vestment spell to the Monk's list.
    - Add the Mage Armor spell to the Monk's list.
    - Allow for Wis to AC in Light Armor, while dropping the +1/4levels bonus.
    Any one of those would fit, I guess. Maybe even a combination of light armor and one of the spells (options!).
    I like the suggestion of Magic Vestment and Mage armor.

    How about leaving the scaling AND adding magic vestment? Mage armor too, from your suggestion. It's still a fairly powerful combo, letting them get good armor without using it still. That was something I wanted to leave, not using armor.

    Third - Might of Mind's wording. Currently I can choose any of the 4th level spells... At 4th character level.
    Is it intended? It helps with the AC problem (Dr 10/Adamantine against one attack at 4th level is nice), but strikes me as.. Chaotic. A little.
    You are correct- that definitely isn't intended. I was trying to word it so that they had to have access to the spell normally to choose it. How about...

    Might of Mind: Every time the monk gains this ability, She can choose 1 spell from the monk spell list. She gains this spell as a spell-like ability usable a number of times per day dependent on the level of the spell:
    1st: Usable at-will.
    2nd: Usable 3/day.
    3rd:Usable 2/day
    4th: Usable 1/day

    She can only choose a spell from a spell level she currently has access to (So, at level 4, she could choose from among the 1st level spells, at level 8 from among the 1st and 2nd level spells, and so on).

    She can choose the same spell multiple times. The effects stack.

    Finally, spells - I like them. But I'd expand the list a bit - add some protection (see point 2) and offensive buff spells. Maybe Divine Favor.
    But of course. the spell list isn't huge, mostly due to my lack of knowledge of the spells available out there. I do want to make sure the spells remain thematic, though... That's the major catch. Divine favor might work, but the idea behind that spell seems to be getting power from a god or goddess. Then again, Divine spells in general have that stigma. Monk's 'divine' power is, fluff wise, supposed to come from their own inner power and ki. I dunno, I'll definitely be willing to add spells to the list, though.

    Also, maybe give them a way to add their Wisdom to attack or damage. Maybe both.
    Damage is covered from the increasing damage die and the bonus damage. Don't forget about Magic fang and Magic fang greater as well, if you use unarmed strikes. But, perhaps like the paladin who adds Charisma to attack rolls, I could add Wisdom to attack rolls into Ki strike.

    Thanks for your input, Xerlith!
    Last edited by Noctemwolf; 2014-05-15 at 01:31 PM.