The waves of light emanating from Kamynar reveal your foes to all of you - tall, dark mockeries of the champions of the upper planes. Their rotting flesh peels away from their bones, and rot pours from their bodies, forming the pools beneath their feet. The decay they emanate is made all the more putrid by the visible aura of negative energy just above their pockmarked skin.

Clunk's attempt to contribute goes about as well as before - an invisible force seems to deflect its blade from the dark entities.

Henry's furious charge utterly destroys the first of the dark angels, leaving nothing but a smear on the ground and on his claws.

The remaining false angel begins a furious chant in a dark tongue, calling on some dark power. As it does so, the toxic cloud moves across the battlefield, leaving only Henry within it.

Alright, you all have your turn. Henry needs another Fort Save at DC 24 to avoid taking (1d4)[1] Con damage.